FFL - French Flavour Ltd
FFL stands for French Flavour Ltd
Here you will find, what does FFL stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate French Flavour Ltd? French Flavour Ltd can be abbreviated as FFL What does FFL stand for? FFL stands for French Flavour Ltd. What does French Flavour Ltd mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in United Kingdom engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of FFL
- Fairfield, Iowa USA
- Federal Firearms License
- Feminists for Life
- Federal Firearm License
- Friends For Life
- Faaberg Fotball Lillehammer
- Fantasy Fishing League
- Food For Life
View 131 other definitions of FFL on the main acronym page
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- FBDG Feel Be Do Good
- FMF The Florida Mortgage Firm
- FFPD Fenton Fire Protection Dist
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- FBSL Four Business Solutions Ltd
- FHL Financial Holdings Limited
- FEF Fish Eye Fun
- FPP Franklin Providence Partners
- FFL Firebird Films Ltd.
- FOT Focus On Talent
- FLL Face Lace Limited
- FIC Flint Ink Corp
- FWL Footsure Western Limited